Beny tchaicovsky was a prolific visionary artist, a painter, a musician, a composer and one of the pioneers in the fieldof 3D animation as an Art Form. He was a multimedia artist who explore other dimensions beyond our waking state to unravel life’s deep mysteries.
This beautiful limited edition hardcover collection presents Tchaicovsky’s award-winning computer generated imagery (includes QR codes links to episodes of his 3D animation feature films) as well as his otherworldly paintings and drawings. The interviews with the artist and introduction by renowned Prof. Stanley Krippner Ph.D. who interprets Beny’s visionary world from the perspective of transpersonal psychology, giving a real sense of the man and his explorations into consciousness,
Full Color 162 pages Size 28×33 inches.
You can download the Flipbook here for a minimal fee to support ArtNetwork mission. Also available to order at the publisher website
Last Gasp and on Amazon.

Memoirs and Observations of the 20th Century
MEMOIRS AND OBSERVATIONS is compiled in this booklet format split is four sections: The World, Desire, Relationships, and Epilogue. Reflecting Beny’s critical vision of contemporary society and mainstream cultural values; the drawings express an outcry against war and the opposition to a unconscious way of life product of society’s soulless technological progress. There are no panels, no written bubbles, no backgrounds. They are black ink drawings divided into chapters, neatly arranged figures in a wordless narrative about the world and the human condition, with insights on relationships at the intersection of the sarcastic, funny and the deeply philosophical.